Monday, January 11, 2010

Transformer- Acts 9

When I was a kid, life was about action figures and toy cars. My personal goal was to own every GI Joe and Hot Wheels in existence. I don't think I really got anywhere close to that goal, but you get the picture.
So, for a little boy that loved action figures (don't call them dolls) and cars, life didn't get better than a Transformer. It was an action figure. It was a car. Does life get any better? For an 8-year old in the 80's, probably not. You could just change them into whatever toy you felt like playing with.
In Acts 9, we see one in a long line of Spiritual Transformers. Saul of Tarsus meets the Man Himself while on his way to kill Christians. He is blinded, healed, saved, baptized in water and the Holy Spirit, and starts teaching in the synagogues practically overnight. Now that's what I call a transformation! That beats changing from a truck into a robot any day!
Saul's transformation was so dramatic and so sudden, he went from trying to kill people for their faith, to them trying to kill him. Usually people trying to kill you doesn't rank very high on the Awesome Scale, but in this case it pegs out the meter! Saul went from being the predator to being the prey, and he didn't seem to really mind. It was all in the name of obedience to his new Master.
What an awesome reminder Saul is that there is no one out of reach for God. If He changed Saul, and He changed me, then He can change anyone. If you are trying to convince yourself that you problems are too big, or that you are too far from God, you need to stop along the road and let Him transform you. (And if you're gonna be a Transformer, I'd go for a helicopter... you can't miss with a helicopter!)

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