Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'd Rather Be Fed Than Led

If I’m going to be honest, sometimes being a leader of people isn’t much fun. There are days I would rather volunteer for dental experiments than lead people. Don’t get me wrong, there are tons of great things about being a leader, but the bad things seem to stay with you longer. I know you’re not reading this to hear me complain, and I’m not writing it to complain either, so I had better get to my point. Even though I’m a leader, I am also a follower. I am a follower of Jesus Christ! I also have spiritual leaders and systems that I follow. I have found that when I’m frustrated about something, I can usually find a similar problem in my personal life. So, when I’m having leadership issues, I try to look at where I’m being led. As I’ve been doing this lately, I’ve uncovered an uncomfortable truth about myself: I’d rather be fed than led. The good news is that God gives me some comfort in His Word by letting me know that I’m not the only one that has ever been this way. Check out Israel after leaving Egypt: 1The whole community of Israelites moved from Elim and came to the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai. This was on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had left Egypt. 2In the desert the whole community complained about Moses and Aaron. 3The Israelites said to them, “If only the LORD had let us die in Egypt! There we sat by our pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted! You brought us out into this desert to let us all starve to death!” Exodus 16:1-3 GWT Israel decided they had had enough of this following stuff. They were done being led, and now it was time to be fed! They didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything, they just wanted to be gratified. They wanted to be fattened. They wanted to be fed. As Christians, we all need to be fed. We all need to go to God’s Word for life, strength, and direction. We need to be fed. But, if we decide we only want to be fed, and not led, we get fat, lazy, and unable to follow like we should. I know it may not seem like it at times, but God is trying to take you somewhere. He is trying to transform you into His image every day. He is trying to accomplish eternal things through what you see as a simple life. He is trying to lead you. But He can’t take you anywhere is you’re not willing to go… I think what God has been telling me, and I’m passing on to you, is that we shouldn’t worry so much about being fed as we do about being led. If we’re following Him, He’ll take care of our feeding. Psalm 23 says He’ll lead us by green pastures, but we won’t get there if we’re not following. So, what are you waiting for?? Get up and follow Him!!! He’s trying to take you somewhere incredible! He’s trying to accomplish something eternal!! But He can’t get you there if you won’t leave the dinner table… So, let’s go! I’m right there with you! Jesus, you lead, and we’ll follow!!