Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cool Under Fire- Acts 24&25

You really find out what someone is made of when they are under pressure. You don’t have time to pretend. You only have time to react. And you react according to your true nature.
In Acts 24&25, Paul isn’t exactly in situations that are moving so fast he can’t respond, but he is certainly under pressure. He is being accused of things he hasn’t done. And his accusers are relentless. They waste no time getting in to see the new governor.
But none of this bothers Paul. He just simply states his case, and leaves it at that. He knows his objective is not freedom. His objection is to preach the Gospel. So no matter what is happening around him, he preaches the Gospel. That is the ultimate of cool under pressure… I wish I was that cool!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wouldn’t It Have Been Easier?-Acts 23

God makes a promise to Paul in Acts 23. In verse 11, God tells Paul he is going to go to Rome. In a sense, this is pretty awesome! Paul is going to get to minister in a brand new city. The most powerful city in the world at that time! The downside: he will be in jail, and, he had to go all the way to Jerusalem to get to Rome! I think God’s TomTom must have been broken, because Paul wasn’t that far from Rome when god told him to go to Jerusalem!
Sometimes you have to wonder why. Sometimes God doesn’t make sense. If Paul was supposed to get to Rome, he took a huge detour to get there. So then, why?
I can’t say for sure, but you have to think it has something to do with the people along the way. Paul witnessed in front of a huge group of Jews, the Jewish Council, and eventually Governor Felix and all of his people. It must have had something to do with them. It had to be so that they would have an opportunity to hear the truth.
You have to wonder sometimes if the journey God has you on has less to do with the destination as it has to do with the trip itself. Sometimes the journey is the destination. It’s important to keep our eyes on where God is taking us, but it is just as important to do His work all along the way. It might feel like two steps back, but look around and see who you got closer to with those two steps.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Don’t You Know Who I Am?-Acts 22

It’s nice to feel like you belong to something. To feel like a part of something bigger. We gain identity by the things we belong to. I’m an American because I belong to America (in a sense). I am a Christian because I belong to Christ. These are things that I am identified by.
In Acts 22, Paul is speaking to a violent mob, and when he says something they don’t like, and they go crazy. The Roman soldiers want to get to the bottom of things, so they beat Paul to try to get a confession. This hate-fest gets broken up when Paul casually mentions that he is a Roman citizen.
His citizenship mattered. It identified him as something special. It gave him certain right… rights that weren’t being protected. The fact that he belonged to Rome, identified him as someone special.
The same is true when we belong to Christ. We have to remember that as Christians, we have certain power and authority that our enemy must respect. But if we never identify ourselves; if we never flex some spiritual muscle, we are never identified, and never respected.
Next time you are facing an extra difficult situation, remember who you are. Remember who you belong to.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jumping To Conclusions-Acts 21

It’s funny how people can see the same thing, but come to a different conclusion. I used to like to look at the clouds to see what I thought they looked like, but when they all started looking like food, I thought it was time to stop! It’s really a matter of perspective.
You have to respect the believers in Tyre because they were definitely hearing from God. But they kinda misinterpreted the facts. They had prophesied that bad things would happen to Paul if he went to Jerusalem, so they told him not to go. Then, Paul ends up in Caesarea, and Agabus has a similar prophecy, and they believers there also beg him not to go.
But here’s the thing, Paul already knew what was going to happen, and he was going anyway! Physical hardship couldn’t deter Paul from following God. Paul understood that earthly problems are not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to a Christian walk. In fact, sometimes it is only because of these difficult times that God gets His work done in us!
Paul got it. He understood. The other believers didn’t, but aren’t you glad Paul did? What an example!
When you hear form God, don’t jump to conclusions. Let him control the situation His way, and watch what happens. Most of the New Testament was written while Paul was in jail!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Long Winded-Acts 20

This has to be every preachers favorite chapter of the Book of Acts. We have all been a little long-winded, but I would guess very few of us have ever preached so long that someone fell over and died!!... although I have wondered about a few people! Probably the coolest part of this story is that, after Paul raises the guy from the dead (just an average day for Paul), he goes right back to preaching! No wonder Paul is my hero!
But why would Paul do that? He obviously understood that he had been talking a long time, so why did he keep talking? He gives the answer in verse 24. His thought process told him that his life was worth nothing unless he finished his work telling people the Good News about Jesus. He only saw his value in preaching the Gospel. The sum total of his life was wrapped up in his service to the Savior.
What a good reason to be long-winded! To finish the work... To complete the job. Lord, give me the strength to finish well... even if I have to be a little long-winded!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Otherworld Famous- Acts 19

On some level, I think everyone wants to be famous. We all want to be known for something we are, or that we have accomplished. I always wanted to be a famous athlete or a superhero (too bad I couldn’t find a radioactive spider to bite me). We all want to be held in high esteem.
By the time Acts 19 rolls around, Paul is becoming pretty famous. He has traveled all over the world preaching the Gospel and encouraging the Church. Lots of people know him (even though some of them want to kill him). He is famous.
But what I love is that Paul wasn’t just naturally famous, he was supernaturally famous. He was otherworld famous. In this chapter we find some guys just randomly using the name of Jesus to become powerful over evil spirits. But in verse 14, their plan kinda backfires. The demons talk back saying that they know Jesus and Paul, but had no respect for these seven losers. So the demons lay the smack down, and show Sceva’s boys who’s boss.
I can’t get over that the demons name Paul as an authority that they would be scared of. That would be incredible to know that God’s power is flowing through you in such an incredible way that even the demons have noticed (probably because they run back to Hell, licking their wounds, and telling horror stories about a little, bald, bow-legged guy that means business!).
Lord, let your church move in you power so dynamically, that the demons know our names. We want our pictures up on the post office walls of Hell. Forget about world famous. We want to be Otherworld famous!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Share The Wealth- Acts 18

Paul was a pretty cool guy. He might have even been the coolest guy to ever live! He went from killing Christians to teaching them almost overnight! He was shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, and always kept a great attitude. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and preached all over the world! See what I'm saying? Pretty cool.
But even as great as Paul was, he was willing to share the spotlight. This guy named Apollos shows up on the scene, and starts following behind Paul's ministry. A lot of guys would have felt threatened. A lot of guys would have doubled back to check on his teaching. A lot of guys would have, but Paul didn't. He wasn't insecure. He was sure of himself in Christ. And he was willing to share the wealth.
Paul understood that he wasn't the important one, Jesus was. And anyone who was accurately preaching Jesus wasn't a threat, they were an ally.
Paul was the man! And that is so true that he was willing to let someone else be the man too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

All Hail The King- Acts 17

I have always wanted to be royalty. It seems like it would be fun to be that important. The closest I've ever gotten was getting one of those awesome Burger King crowns. I did look pretty cool in it though.
I love the accusation the angry mob makes about Paul and his friends. In verse 7 they accuse them of serving another king, King Jesus. I love that! I love the thought of Jesus as our King. We sing songs and read scriptures about Jesus as our friend, healer, and shepherd, but we have so few things to say about Him being our King.
Maybe we need to think like that a little more often. Maybe we need to start obeying Him like a King.
All hail King Jesus!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What A Guy- Acts 16

Some people just go above and beyond the call of duty. There are times in life when someone you are around will go to extraordinary lengths on behalf of someone else. Timothy was definitely one of those guys.
Paul and Silas are visiting some of the churches Paul started, with the purpose of delivering a very important message. They were spreading the news that the Church leaders had decided that was not necessary for the Gentile believers to be circumcised (very good news for them!). They were letting everyone know that they were obligated to show their submission to Christ by the way they live, and were under no compulsion to submit themselves to Jewish law through circumcision. The mark of Christ is a holy life. No other marks necessary.
But here comes Timothy. He’s just a young guy from Lystra that loved Jesus, and was highly regarded by the other believers in his area. Paul likes the kid so much, he asks Timothy to travel with them. Good deal. Good for Timothy. But check out verse 3. Before they leave, Timothy gets circumcised! This isn’t the time or place to discuss how painful that must have been, but Timothy just does it.
I hope you see the irony here. They are going from church to church telling everyone that they don’t need to be circumcised, but Timothy does it just so he doesn’t offend anyone! I am totally in favor of side-stepping offense every chance I get, but I’m not sure I would go that far!! That’s a lot of pain and trouble just so he won’t offend.
What a guy!
Lord, give me a Timothy kind of selflessness. I want to be aware of the potential effect I have on others. I want to be like Timothy (but without the surgery, if possible!)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It Doesn't Matter-Acts 15

The past is a pretty tricky thing. It is the reason we are what we are today, and for that, we should be greatful. But the past can also be a pretty heavy burden.
Ultimately, the only thing that makes me different than you is the past. We have been through different things, and become slightly different people. But today we are the save. Today, we are sinful people in need of a Savior.
In Acts 15, The Apostles were essentially dealing with issues of the past. Some of the believers had a past that made them ethnically Jewish. Others did not. But because of their differeing pasts, the Apostles were given an opportunity to see people by theri past, or as sinners in need of a Savior... just like them.
Peter didn't always have the right thing to say, but I'm greatful he did in verse 11. We are all simply saved by grace. And that is enough. No other requirements. Just sinners that have found the Savior.
My past. Your past. Who cares? It doesn't matter. We are the same.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Easily We Forget- Acts 14

People have such short memories. I couldn't tell you how often I lose things or forget what I was... what was I saying? We forget so easily!
In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas are preaching when a man is healed, and the whole town is convinced the men are gods. The townspeople even start sacrificing to Paul and Barnabas!! They have seen the miraculous and bought into whatever these men are teaching. Right? Wrong.
Just after the crowd is amazed, some of Paul's opponents come to town and convince everyone that they are wrong. These guys are so good at their convincing, they even stone Paul and leave him for dead! Aren't these the same guys that were just proclaiming Paul's deity??
I wonder how often we behave the same way (my guess is that it's pretty often). How often does God flex His miracle-working muscle, are we are totally amazed, just to turn back to our disbelief. It's sad. Our memory is so short.
Think about what God has done for you. Go ahead... do it! And concentrate on His goodness. Don't forget His miracles. Don't forget His grace. Don't forget His sacrifice. Don't let your faith suffer because you have a short memory!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Make It Plain- Acts 13

There is a Southern saying that I love. When a preacher is preaching good, and he is really making his point, the people will say, "Make it plain!"
I love it when people "Make it plain." I love when there is no guessing about what someone is saying. Have you ever had a conversation with someone when the other person just won't say what's on their mind? Isn't that frustrating? I'd rather paint a house with a toothbrush than have a conversation like that!
In Acts 13:10, Paul makes it plain. There is no messing around with what he says. He just comes out and calls a guy a "son of the devil." I've heard guys talk about another guy's momma, but I've never heard anyone called a son of the devil. That's pretty harsh. And it was pretty true. The guy was a son of the devil. And Paul wasn't afraid to say something about it either.
I love what happens next. After Paul lets the names fly, he pronounces a curse on the guy... and God backs it up! I don't know if God told Paul to do that or not, but either way, God had Paul's back.
You know, maybe if we were a little more willing to tell it like it is, God would back up our words too. Maybe we'd see miracles happen. Maybe our problem isn't that we don't have the faith, but that we don't make it plain.
God, give me the courage to make it plain.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Does God Ever Get Tired Of This Question?- Acts 12

We went to Denver a few weeks ago for Christmas, and I must have been asked a few dozen times how much longer the trip was going to be. It’s not my boys’ fault. They’re just kids. Apparently kids are supposed to ask the same question 37 times in a 12 minute time-frame.
I wonder if God ever gets tired of us asking the same questions over and over? It seems like the list of our questions and prayer requests rarely changes. So I wonder if He gets tired of hearing the same things over and over? I wonder if He ever feels like saying, “If you don’t sit still and be quiet, we’ll never get there!” (not that I’ve ever said that…)
Acts 12 brings up one of those questions for me. If James and Peter were both arrested by the same guy, for the same thing, and the same people were praying for them, why does James die, and Peter is miraculously set free? James was even one of the three guys closest to Jesus, just like Peter was. Sure, maybe James never walked on water, but he didn’t deny Jesus either. I’m not sure there is anything that makes Peter more worthy than James.
So the question is why… Why do some people die, and others live? Why do some survive their cancer, stroke, or heart attack, and others don’t? You’ve asked this question. I think everyone has.
Are you ready for the answer? Me too! Let me know when you find out what it is!
I’m not sure there is a static answer to this. Every situation is different. We expect God to treat us individually and uniquely, but we want a cookie-cutter answer from Him. We can’t have it both ways. Every person, every time, every circumstance is different… not matter how similar they seem.
I guess the real answer is to trust God that He knows what is best. It might be a good idea to start trusting before He threatens to turn the car around and go back home.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Like New- Acts 11

I’m going to confess something kind of silly. I love infomercials. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered a product from one, but I love to watch them. I think they’re funny. My favorite is the people that have to act like life is so hard without the product being sold. They can’t get out of their blanket, can’t open a can, and it breaks their back to use a vacuum. I love to laugh at those things.
So many of these commercials tell you that their product will make your old stuff like new. You’ll never know it was used! I always thought that if it was so great, they should also sell you some junky stuff to clean up too. They could make a lot more money that way!
In Acts 11:15, Peter says the Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles like had happened to them at the beginning. The anointing was just like new!
I think it is awesome that every time the holy Spirit moves, it’s just like new. He hasn’t lost any of His power. He hasn’t lost any of His desire to move in our lives. It’s just like new.
If it seems a little old to you, maybe you need to pray for a fresh move of God in your life. It can be just like new!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Like Jesus- Acts 10

My goal as a Christian is to be like Jesus. A little more every day. My goal isn’t to go to church, or preach good sermons. I’m not trying to “be a better person” and I’m not trying to get to Heaven. I want to be like Him. All those other things will take care of themselves if I’m like Him.
Acts 10:38 is one of the coolest verses in the entire Bible. It’s like the Gospel wrapped up into one sentence (like a Gospel Burrito!). Jesus was anointed, and then went around using that anointing. Pretty simple. Pretty powerful. Pretty awesome.
This verse is a mouthful. It is so powerful that a man named John G Lake read it on April 28, 1898, and was so awestruck by its power that he dared to believe that God could heal, and saw thousands of miracles happen at his hands. I told you it was powerful!
The part that hits me like a ton of bricks is that Jesus went around healing all who were sick. Not some. Not the ones with the most faith. Not the ones that cried the most. Not the ones with the saddest story. All. Little word, huge impact! He healed them all.
It has long been a prayer of mine that God would anoint me to heal the sick. Sure I have prayed for some sick people and they have been healed, but I’m looking for something more. Something deeper. All. One word. That is what I want. All.
Healing the sick is just one way that I strive to be like Jesus. What is it for you? Is there something you struggle with? Is there something you dream about? How are you striving to be more like Him?
All I know is, I want it all.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Transformer- Acts 9

When I was a kid, life was about action figures and toy cars. My personal goal was to own every GI Joe and Hot Wheels in existence. I don't think I really got anywhere close to that goal, but you get the picture.
So, for a little boy that loved action figures (don't call them dolls) and cars, life didn't get better than a Transformer. It was an action figure. It was a car. Does life get any better? For an 8-year old in the 80's, probably not. You could just change them into whatever toy you felt like playing with.
In Acts 9, we see one in a long line of Spiritual Transformers. Saul of Tarsus meets the Man Himself while on his way to kill Christians. He is blinded, healed, saved, baptized in water and the Holy Spirit, and starts teaching in the synagogues practically overnight. Now that's what I call a transformation! That beats changing from a truck into a robot any day!
Saul's transformation was so dramatic and so sudden, he went from trying to kill people for their faith, to them trying to kill him. Usually people trying to kill you doesn't rank very high on the Awesome Scale, but in this case it pegs out the meter! Saul went from being the predator to being the prey, and he didn't seem to really mind. It was all in the name of obedience to his new Master.
What an awesome reminder Saul is that there is no one out of reach for God. If He changed Saul, and He changed me, then He can change anyone. If you are trying to convince yourself that you problems are too big, or that you are too far from God, you need to stop along the road and let Him transform you. (And if you're gonna be a Transformer, I'd go for a helicopter... you can't miss with a helicopter!)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Power For Sale- Acts 8

For anyone who has witnessed God's power, it is no secret that it is incredible. I have seen people healed, set free from drugs and alcohol, and liberated from demon possession. And that was at the same service! God is incredible.
It has always been a prayer of mine for God to use me in the miraculous. I want to have power like Phillip, Peter, and John. They were moving so incredibly powerfully in God's anointing that a guy named Simon wanted to buy their power!
I know it wasn't right for Simon to ask this, but you have to admit that this is kinda cool. These guys were so powerful that people wanted to have what they had, and that they were willing to go to great lengths to get it.
I've never wanted to be well known, but I have always wanted to make Him well known. I pray for power like that!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Supernatural Boldness- Acts 6 & 7

I have always admired Stephen. It would probably be hard to find someone who doesn't. If you look up bold in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Stephen (if anyone had one!).
But it's not just his boldness that makes him impressive to me. Let me list a couple of pretty awesome qualities he possessed:
#1 He wouldn't be held back by the lack of a title. Stephen was not one of The Twelve. He was not a teacher. In fact, he was chosen to do the dirty work so that the teachers had more time to teach. But Stephen wasn't intimidated by the fact that he didn't have a title. He stood before the Jewish leaders, and starting with Abraham, brought them all the way to the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. Impressive.
#2 He was a faithful learner. He could have used his "ministry" as an excuse to be poorly taught. He was using a lot of time making sure the older ladies were taken care of. But none of that mattered to Stephen. He knew he had to move forward with his faith, and so he learned. And he learned well.
#3 Even knowing the end result, he still said what he had to. I think he knew what was coming. Acts 6:15 talks about the glow on his face. God had already spoken to him. I think he knew the end result.
#4 His Christ-like character. Stephen did the most Christ-like thing he could do as he died. He even mirrored Jesus' statement from the cross. He forgave those who took his life. It doesn't get more Christ-like than that.
Imagine what God could do with a church full of Stephens!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Winning Team- Acts 5

As Christ followers, we usually give the early Jewish religious leaders a pretty bad name. If you were to call someone in your church a Pharisee, you might get punched in the nose! But these were just guys that kinda thought they had it all figured out, and Jesus didn't really fit into their ideals.
And then there was Gamaliel. This guy was open to a new idea or two. While the rest of the Temple leaders wanted to string up the Apostles, Gamaliel advised them to let them run. He said, "If it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!" (v.39 NLT) Gamaliel understood that if you do something yourself, eventually it will fizzle out, but if you are on God's team, there is nothing that will be able to stop you.
What are you up to in your life right now? What projects are you working on? What goal do you have in your sights? If you are doing something by your own strength, you will fizzle. No matter how godly or holy your goal is. It might look like Him, but unless it is Him, you will find yourself flat on your back blaming God for your failure (even though it was you who failed, not Him!).
If what you're pursuing is a God-given goal or dream, then you can't fail! If you have chosen to play on His team, His team always wins!!
Are you on the winning team, or are you just wearing the jersey?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Illusion?- Acts 4

The other day my older brother told me an incredible story of heroism. He said that in the Denver area, a bus driver left his bus to run across the street and save an elderly lady from an out of control vehicle, sustaining serious injuries in the process. Sounds like a hero, right? That man is a hero!! But after the fact, one of the responding policemen gave the bus driver a ticket for jaywalking!! That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! That is kinda what happened to Peter and John in Acts 4.
These guys had just participated in God doing the miraculous as a lame man was given the gift of self-mobility, and all of the sudden, they are dragged in to face an angry group of religious leaders. They did something good... why all the drama?
The truth is, not everyone is happy when God moves. God rarely does the miraculous inside the little box we've made for Him. We want God to be our house-trained dog, but He is the Lion of Judah. God's move will mess up our religious ideas. It will make us stretch to understand how and why He does what He does.
I remember an older lady that God brought across my path a few years ago. She smoked like a chimney, swore like a sailor, and never attended church! But that woman taught me more about faith than I have ever learned from a book or in a church service. She didn't fit in my God-box. Now I don't think it is healthy for a Christ follower to smoke, swear, and not go to church, but God was trying to get me to look past the surface.
Is it possible that we harshly judge genuine moves of God because they don't fit in our God-box? What is the chance that we are missing the truth as it moves right under our nose? The roots of the Christian church were growing in Peter and John, but the religious leaders missed out. I don't want to make the same mistake.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Faith In Action- Acts 3

The funny thing about the book of Acts is that so much of it is so familiar. People preach about it. People talk about it. And the the first few chapters are pretty widely read.
This story here is a pretty popular one. Peter and John heal the lame man at the gate. We read the story, turn the page, and use it as an excuse to not give beggars money (silver and gold have I none). Check this story out again. Before the preaching, and after the silver and gold line. Verse 7 to be exact.
At this point there had been no physical change to the situation. They had walked up, talked to the guy for a second, and prayed for him, but nothing had changed. This is where Peter shows that he's either a man of great faith, or he's crazy. He grabs the guy and starts to stand him up. The guy is still lame! There has been no change in his legs, but Peter is standing the guy up. If I was there, I'd be telling Peter "What kind of nut case are you? You can't stand up a lame guy!" But apparently you can... who knew?
Peter didn't just talk a big game, he believed it with every fiber of his being. He believed it so deeply, that he was willing to risk looking like a fool for humiliating a lame man, in order to act on his faith. Faith isn't just believing. Faith is acting on what you believe. Faith reaches into God's presence, grabs hold of the impossible, and brings it into reality... Kinda like Peter reached out to stand up the limp-legged guy.
Lord, I pray that my faith would be an action and not just a feeling. Help me to stand up the lame things of this world and watch you completely change to situation. Help me put my faith in action.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not My Own- Acts 2

So, there is tons of awesome stuff in Acts 2. I could write about this for days! But my goal in reading through the Word and blogging about it, is to notice stuff I haven't noticed before, if possible. So even though there is tons of great material here, my attention was grabbed by verses 42-47. It says that the church became a single unit instead of individual people.
Now I'm not advocating moving up to the mountains or out into the desert and living commune-style. But look at what happened here. These people were absolutely changed by what God did in them. But it wasn't just a one-time thing, this was continual. They devoted themselves to good teaching (v.42), and as they did, they were overcome by a sense of awe (v.43). Once they had their identity in the presence of God, their identity in this world didn't matter any more.
They didn't belong to themselves. Personal possessions didn't matter. They were not the most important people in their lives anymore. Jesus was the only one that mattered. If them giving something up could help spread the message of Jesus, then it didn't matter to them.
I pray that God can develop that level of selflessness in me. The only things that matter should be the things that spread the message of the Gospel.
Lord, I don't want to belong to myself anymore. I want to be totally yours.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hurry Up And Wait- Acts 1

Acts 1 is where it all starts. This is the moment that Jesus officially turns the disciples loose on the world. He sends them out to turn things upside down! (Acts 17:6) Then they run head-first into their ministries and everything goes great, right? Wrong? The first thing Jesus says to do is wait (v.4).
I hate waiting. It is not a gift of mine. I want instant results, and I want them yesterday!!! But God has been dealing with me lately about patience. I'm too impatient to develop patience... Doesn't that take a long time? There are things to do, people to see, lives to be changed. I can't develop patience. I don't have time!
But Jesus tells the disciples to wait. But not just wait, they are waiting for power. They probably could have run out head-first and gotten some things done, but I doubt they would have accomplished 3,000 people in one day without power (Acts 2:41). When we wait for His timing, we're not delaying the results, we're magnifying them! We are making our lives exponential. We become more than ourselves, and accomplish more than is possible. Waiting for His timing gets things done!
I guess I can learn patience... If I have too...
I hope it's quick!