Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Easily We Forget- Acts 14

People have such short memories. I couldn't tell you how often I lose things or forget what I was... what was I saying? We forget so easily!
In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas are preaching when a man is healed, and the whole town is convinced the men are gods. The townspeople even start sacrificing to Paul and Barnabas!! They have seen the miraculous and bought into whatever these men are teaching. Right? Wrong.
Just after the crowd is amazed, some of Paul's opponents come to town and convince everyone that they are wrong. These guys are so good at their convincing, they even stone Paul and leave him for dead! Aren't these the same guys that were just proclaiming Paul's deity??
I wonder how often we behave the same way (my guess is that it's pretty often). How often does God flex His miracle-working muscle, are we are totally amazed, just to turn back to our disbelief. It's sad. Our memory is so short.
Think about what God has done for you. Go ahead... do it! And concentrate on His goodness. Don't forget His miracles. Don't forget His grace. Don't forget His sacrifice. Don't let your faith suffer because you have a short memory!

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