Thursday, January 14, 2010

Does God Ever Get Tired Of This Question?- Acts 12

We went to Denver a few weeks ago for Christmas, and I must have been asked a few dozen times how much longer the trip was going to be. It’s not my boys’ fault. They’re just kids. Apparently kids are supposed to ask the same question 37 times in a 12 minute time-frame.
I wonder if God ever gets tired of us asking the same questions over and over? It seems like the list of our questions and prayer requests rarely changes. So I wonder if He gets tired of hearing the same things over and over? I wonder if He ever feels like saying, “If you don’t sit still and be quiet, we’ll never get there!” (not that I’ve ever said that…)
Acts 12 brings up one of those questions for me. If James and Peter were both arrested by the same guy, for the same thing, and the same people were praying for them, why does James die, and Peter is miraculously set free? James was even one of the three guys closest to Jesus, just like Peter was. Sure, maybe James never walked on water, but he didn’t deny Jesus either. I’m not sure there is anything that makes Peter more worthy than James.
So the question is why… Why do some people die, and others live? Why do some survive their cancer, stroke, or heart attack, and others don’t? You’ve asked this question. I think everyone has.
Are you ready for the answer? Me too! Let me know when you find out what it is!
I’m not sure there is a static answer to this. Every situation is different. We expect God to treat us individually and uniquely, but we want a cookie-cutter answer from Him. We can’t have it both ways. Every person, every time, every circumstance is different… not matter how similar they seem.
I guess the real answer is to trust God that He knows what is best. It might be a good idea to start trusting before He threatens to turn the car around and go back home.

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