Friday, January 15, 2010

Make It Plain- Acts 13

There is a Southern saying that I love. When a preacher is preaching good, and he is really making his point, the people will say, "Make it plain!"
I love it when people "Make it plain." I love when there is no guessing about what someone is saying. Have you ever had a conversation with someone when the other person just won't say what's on their mind? Isn't that frustrating? I'd rather paint a house with a toothbrush than have a conversation like that!
In Acts 13:10, Paul makes it plain. There is no messing around with what he says. He just comes out and calls a guy a "son of the devil." I've heard guys talk about another guy's momma, but I've never heard anyone called a son of the devil. That's pretty harsh. And it was pretty true. The guy was a son of the devil. And Paul wasn't afraid to say something about it either.
I love what happens next. After Paul lets the names fly, he pronounces a curse on the guy... and God backs it up! I don't know if God told Paul to do that or not, but either way, God had Paul's back.
You know, maybe if we were a little more willing to tell it like it is, God would back up our words too. Maybe we'd see miracles happen. Maybe our problem isn't that we don't have the faith, but that we don't make it plain.
God, give me the courage to make it plain.

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