Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Foolish Worship- John 12

I remember a time when I was working as the Children's Pastor at Evangel Assembly of God in Cortez, CO that something very embarrassing happened. One of our helpers was teaching an object lesson, and I went to the supply closet to get something. I squatted down to pick it up off of the floor and heard a very loud noise as my pants split from belt loops to zipper!! I was so embarrassed! I felt so foolish!!
We are so afraid of looking foolish. We are so afraid of what other people will think of us. We pick our clothes, pick our words, and dictate our actions based on how we think other people are going to accept what we do. We are afraid of looking foolish.
Mary wasn't afraid to look foolish in order to worship the King of Kings! She has a bunch of guests at her house... She should be serving them! But instead, she finds the most valuable think she can, and pours it out at Jesus' feet. She takes something of incredible value and uses it to worship her King. In today's economy, that bottle of perfume would have cost somewhere around $40,000.00!!!! And she just poured it out! That sounds foolish!
But her foolishness didn't stop there. Then she, the host of this dinner, begins to wipe the feet of Jesus with her hair! The Apostle Paul says that a woman's hair is her glory. She takes her glory, and uses it to wipe the dirt off of her Master's feet. Her glory meant nothing to her in comparison to His glory!! Sure she looked foolish, but she was worshipping the Lord of all Creation!
Sometimes worshipping God can look foolish. We give him 10% of our income, and people say, "What in the world are you doing?!?!?!?!" In worship, we hold back from places and activities that won't bring him glory. In worship, we give our lives for His purpose because He gave His life to save ours. Worship can seem pretty foolish. It can appear to be absurd. It doesn't add up.
When it seems the most foolish, that is when your worship is pure. You only care about what He thinks of you. Nothing else matters. You are worshipping.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Andy! What a beautiful, challanging, and mind boggling reminder of what true worship is. It is selfless, sacrificing, and relentless!
