Friday, March 19, 2010

Confused?- John 7

I am in a constant state of confusion. I think most people are, but how would I know, I’m confused about it? I’m unsure sometimes about how to act or think. Certain situations definitely leave me wondering.
Jerusalem was a confusing place when Jesus was there in John 6. No one really knew what to think about Jesus. They knew what they heard him say. They knew the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him. They knew He was a good teacher. They knew some said He was Messiah. They knew He was certainly powerful enough to be Messiah. They knew lots of stuff. And knowing all that stuff is pretty confusing.
I don’t think things are much different in our world today. We say we know what we think about Jesus, but do we know? We say He is the Messiah. We say He is the Son of God. We say that nothing is impossible for Him. We say we serve Him. We say He is the one and only object of our affection. But do our actions back up our words? I think we’re a little confused.
If He really is everything we say He is, then why don’t we act like it? If He is so powerful, why do we have a hard time believing in the impossible? If He is the son of God, then why do we have a hard time pulling our hearts away from the ideals of this world, and truly loving Him? If we really serve Him, then why does every decision we make only benefit ourselves?
I think we’re confused. But how would I know?… I’m confused….

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