Thursday, March 25, 2010

But Lord...- John 11

You gotta love Mary and Martha. Typical siblings that don't exactly see eye to eye. They both have their good qualities, and they both have their bad (I suppose we all do!). Usually, they are the opposite of one another, but in this situation, they were the same. They expressed great faith in Jesus' ability to heal the sick. But raising the dead? They weren't so sure.
They statement that stand out to me is when Jesus tells them to roll the stone back, and Martha says, "But Lord...". Isn't that what we say all the time? God wants to do something incredible in us, but He asks us to do something that we think will make us look foolish. So we say, "But Lord...". Somehow, we get it in our head that for at least that one split second, we know something that God doesn't. If you read that last statement back, you will see just how silly that is!!
There are going to be times where God asks us to do something that doesn't make sense. It's not going to add up. It is going to seem foolish. But one thing about Jesus is: usually when He is going to do something big, He requires some action on our part too! We have to participate! And sometimes that participation isn't going to make sense. Sometimes we are going to want to say, "But Lord...".
It's kinda your call. You can have it your way, and have God's incredible blessing continue to rot in a cave if you want. Or, you can do do something foolish, roll back the stone, and see God's glory at work in your situation. It's your call. What are you gonna do?

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