Thursday, December 31, 2009

This just shocked my socks off!!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you realized something that changed everything? I remember when I was unloading presents from a black Hefty bag when I was a kid, and saw the tag that read "To: Andy From: Santa," and I even recognized it as my mom's handwriting... That was one of those moments. I just had one of those moments this afternoon while reading one of my favorite authors, Mark Batterson. In his new book Primal, he said something that blew my mind!
"But what would happen if we saw people through the eyes of God? I don't think we'd see their sin, because that is forgiven and forgotten."
I'm not sure if your mind is reeling like mine was when I read that, but let me tell you how my mind broke that down. When God looks at me, He doesn't see my sin. Okay, I knew this. I've preached this a million times. I've even said that when the Father looks at us He sees the perfection of Christ in us. But that is only half the story. God doesn't just see Jesus in us, He still see us. So then, what does He see? He sees my potential!!!
This might sound like a simple truth to you, but this hit me like a ton of bricks. Potential is dangerous!! Why are we afraid if Iran and North Korea? Because they have the potential to lower the boom on us! Potential is scary!! Potential is powerful! Potential is potent (duh!)!!
My potential in the Kingdom of God is scary! It's powerful!! With the life-giving flow of Christ's blood in me, nothing is impossible!! I could lower the boom on Hell. I change the face of my neighborhood, my church, and even the world because of the potential in me! (and in you too!)
But I even knew that...
The thing that connected the dots for me was to realize that when the Father looks at me, He not only sees my potential, He doesn't see anything else. I had known that He doesn't see my sin. I had known that He sees my potential. But I had never put the two together. I had never let that sink into my heart. He sees what is good in me, and the good He wants to do in me. He not only sees my potential, He is anxiously trying to draw it out of me. He is trying to make me more like Him.
I feel free right now. I feel completely free from the problems of the past. I feel totally free to explore my potential! This is what God wants for me!!
Don't be afraid. Set aside your fears. Lay down the guilt and shame of your past. Begin to see the potential that Heaven sees in you. Then get your running shoes on, and explore!!

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