Wednesday, December 30, 2009


"I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination." -Walt Disney
When you think of imagination, you can't help but think of Walt Disney (and every time I think of Walt Disney, I think of a warm churro from Disneyland!). In this world, he was the king of imagination. Disney doesn't hold an animated candle to God! God is not only the King of Imagination, He's the creator of it!! Imagination wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for God!
Sometimes I think that we misunderstand the fact that God is unchanging. He is definitely stable. He is absolutely firm in the truth (He is the Truth!) He never goes back on His word. He is unchanging... but He doesn't lack imagination.
Do you have any idea how many species of beetles there are? Me either!!! There is way too many for me to count, or even try to track down. Wouldn't one kind of beetle be enough? Certainly the world would survive with only one species of beetle, but that wasn't good enough for God. He had to flex some imaginative muscle. He had to make things interesting!
God is not afraid of imagination. Why are we? Why are we so scared to let our minds wander through the things of God? He is so huge, so incomprehensible, that even the stretchiest parts of our imagination could never touch the edges of who He is (I'm not sure He has edges, but you get what I'm saying).
This year I want to dare to dream. I want to let my mind wander. I want to imagine with God-sized imagination! I hope you'll join me. I hope you will dream, and hope, and think, and imagine. Let God fill your heart with the wonder of creation again. Be consumed with the overwhelming power of His love for you.
Just imagine...

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