Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Real House Builder- Hebrews 3:3-4

But Jesus deserves far more glory than Moses, just as a person who builds a house deserves more praise than the house itself. For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God. Hebrews 3:3-4
When I was reading this earlier this morning, it kinda jumped out at me. Like any pastor, I started to think how I could use this to teach myself and others the truth that I had seen here. So, I thought I would blog about it, but I didn’t have time right then. Now, the Holy Spirit is applying these verses even deeper into my life, and all it took was a change of location.
Right now, I am sitting in a parking lot where I can see a Mormon temple a few hundred yards away on my left, and a Hindu temple a few hundred yards away on my right…. interesting location… If God wanted to show me a little something about how “houses” are built, He sure picked the right place! These are the kind of houses that people build. Sure, they build them to honor their god, or their belief system, but they are still built by people.
According to this verse in Hebrews, no matter what the “house” looks like, the one who will get the praise is the builder. These “houses” that I am sitting between are beautiful. They are incredibly decorated and built. And they are built to honor a god… or are they? If the writer of Hebrews is correct, it is the builder that really receives the praise. We can say that we build things to honor someone or something else, but in reality, when we build it, we want the glory. We build things so that people will recognize us.
Now, please don’t think that I am only picking on the Hindus or the Mormons… I just happen to be sitting where I am sitting. I could just as easily be sitting between an Assembly of God and a Catholic church… The truth would still be the same: We build things so that people can recognize us. So that we receive the praise and the glory.
But what about the real “Builder”? Hebrews 3:4 says that “the one who built everything is God.” We spend a lot of time building our lives, without ever considering who made it all possible. Without the Master Builder, God Himself, you and I wouldn’t even be here. We wouldn’t exist. We spend a lot of time taking credit for what our lives have become, without ever giving credit to the one who gave us life!
Physicist, Steven Hawking, has just come out with a book stating that he can prove that life can create itself. He says that because of natural laws like gravity, that matter can simply come into existence. To these statements, Evangelist Ray Comfort, has responded: “How can there be a Law, without a Law-Giver?”
How can your life become something without the Life-Giver? You and I are nothing without Him. We can spend our time building a beautiful “house” and taking all the credit; or, we can give credit to the One who is worthy of it… “The Real House Builder”!!

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