Thursday, March 3, 2011

How GOOD is Good Enough?

If you’ve never asked yourself this question, then you’re probably doing it right now! Andy Stanley does an excellent job of giving an answer in his book, Since Nobody’s Perfect… How GOOD Is Good Enough?
This is a very short book, and a really quick read (its less than 100 pages, and the pages are TINY!), but don’t let that make you think there’s nothing to it! Andy Stanley asks the questions that few people are asking. like: How fair is fair? How good is good? Do fair and true mean the same thing? … Pretty deep stuff for a little book!
This book is written to a non-Christian, and it does a very good job of balancing the arguments, as well as asking and answering the hard questions. And even though the questions are tough, Andy Stanley manages to give some pretty simple answers. This would be a great book to give to someone who is asking questions about religion and faith!
This is also a great book for Christians! Sometimes we can overlook the basics of our faith, and then when someone asks a difficult question, we draw a blank. This book is like shooting drills in junior high basketball… You’ve got to have the basics down is you’re gonna do well in the game!
If for no other reason, grab a copy of How Good Is Good Enough just to read the last chapter (you could even skip to it, but the book is short enough that you shouldn’t have to!). The way Andy puts grace and mercy into perspective is soooooo simple, but sooooo powerful!
So now you have a choice: Finish this review and move on to checking your Facebook account (because we all know that‘s what you‘re gonna do next!), or take a second and check out an excerpt from the book. If you pick Door #2, click the link below… You’ll be glad you did!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review

1 comment:

  1. That was a good few pages from the book and I didnt jump to facebook
